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21 Reasons Why Skabelund PLLC is the Best Asset Protection Law Firm

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  • 21 Reasons Why Skabelund PLLC is the Best Asset Protection Law Firm

You have worked hard to accumulate your wealth and recognize that a lawsuit can take it all away. There are many that claim they can help you protect your assets. However, finding an attorney who specializes in asset protection should be your top priority. However, because there are so many law firms to choose from, it’s difficult to find one that will support you from beginning to end—and beyond.

Fortunately, Skabelund PLLC is the best asset protection law firm nationwide. Want to know why?

Here are 21 reasons:

1. Life-Long Relationships

We build a lifelong relationship with you. We are here for you whenever you have a question or something unexpected occurs. Asset protection is not a one and done process. In addition to an annual meeting with your attorney (see reason 21 below), we become part of your team. In coordination with your tax professional, we help you grow and protect your assets. 

2. Easy-going and Easy to Work With

We are easy to work with. We not only communicate with you, but we continue to implement the latest technology to make it easy to contact us and access your documents. We also are efficient in implementing your plan. We recognize that you are anxious to implement your asset protection plan. In August, 2024, we are launching a proprietary system enabling you to check on the status of the creation of your plan 24/7. If you can order a pizza and track its progress from order to delivery, why not enable you to do the same with your asset protection plan?

3. Custom Tailored Plans

We do not provide a one-size fits all cookie-cutter plan. Your goals, family and assets make you unique. Your plan should fit you, not fit us. If you do not have a bespoke asset protection plan, it will not achieve your goals or meet your needs. We believe as your assets and wealth grow, your plan should grow with it. Our plans are extremely adaptable, enabling you to add assets as you acquire them. A common complaint about asset protection attorneys is that the plan is too complex. We can start as small as you desire and build onto your plan as you are ready. After all, the more you have to lose the more it makes sense to protect your assets. However, only you can determine your budget and risk tolerance.

4. Cost Savings

We provide the lowest cost in the industry to maintain your plan annually. Our competitors may be cheaper. However, they often employ a printer ink business model. Meaning, the cost of their plan is often initially cheap, but their annual fees to maintain your plan are high. Once you create your custom plan, you will not find lower maintenance costs anywhere in the country for the same strength of plan.

5. Safety and Security

Asset protection is all about providing you with safety and security. After all, you have worked hard to acquire your assets not just for you, but for your loved one. In the event of a lawsuit, it is not the time to gamble whether a particular trust or strategy will work. That is why it is critical to work with an attorney. And not just any attorney! Too often estate planning attorneys, business lawyers and others will dabble in asset protection.  You need an expert that only does asset protection. Our strategy is proven because we do not treat you as a guinea pig for something new and untested. Litigation is inherently risky. We approach your protection conservatively.

6. Privacy

A frequent component missing from our competitors’ plans is privacy. A deterrent to being sued is preventing the plaintiff from knowing whether you are worth suing. We legally shield your assets from public disclosure, which makes you less attractive to sue. Additionally, clients have peace of mind that others do not know of their wealth. Such privacy keeps family and friends from seeking handouts.  

7. Kind-hearted

Our attorneys have a teacher’s heart. We Take the time to educate you about asset protection. We speak plain English. We aren’t here to impress you with our knowledge by talking over your head. We make sure you understand and we answer all of your questions and your advisors’ questions. Your initial consultation will typically last 90 minutes. Combined with preparing for your meeting, our attorneys spend three or more hours designing your custom plan and meeting with you. Why do we spend so much time before you even hire us? Because we are committed to taking the time to help you understand asset protection, our overall strategy and why each component is important.

8. Easy to Contact

One of the most common complaints about attorneys is that they are difficult to contact. Now only we are available to you and your advisors, we proactively communicate with you.

9. Online Documents

Our clients have an online portal with access to their documents 24/7 anywhere around the world. In addition, clients can grant their advisors and trusted individuals access too.  CPA’s love working with us because they do not need to hound you for your documents and EINs.  

10. Flat Rates

Most attorneys charge by the hour. A common complaint is this creates a blank check allowing the attorney to run up legal fees. We provide flat fee and transparent pricing. You know exactly what it will cost to create and maintain your plan.

11.National Recognition

We are a nationally recognized asset protection law firm. Our founder, John Skabelund, is recognized in the top 1% of U.S. attorneys. Although attorneys and even judges have recognized Mr. Skabelund, the greatest compliment we receive is the Client Champion award due to our clients’ reviews.

12. No-Obligation Consultations

Because you are building a life-long relationship, we take the time to get to know you and for you to get to know us! We offer a 90 minute no obligation consultation for every client. If you are expecting a high-pressure sales pitch, you will be disappointed. We are professionals, not used car salesmen.

13. Experience

When working with many of our competitors, you work with someone who is not an attorney. We believe something as important as asset protection requires the skill and expertise of an attorney. Asset protection is extremely complicated and done incorrectly can create a felony. Why risk your life savings by relying on someone who isn’t an attorney?

14. Asset Protection Specializations

Many estate planning, business law and other attorneys offer asset protection services along with their other services. However, we specialize in asset protection. It is all we do. It is common sense that you become exceptionally skilled the more you do something. Malcom Gladwell introduced the concept that it requires 10,000 hours to achieve true expertise in any skill. We agree. At Skabelund PLLC, you will work with attorneys who specialize in asset protection and have put in the time to become the best.

15. Nationwide Representation

Many of our competitors only work in a single state. We work nationwide and throughout the U.S. territories. As you acquire assets out of state, you will not need to find a new attorney. Further, our nationwide practice enables us to answer questions you may have when you consider investing in other states.

16. Educated Choices

Asset protection is inherently complex in order for it to be effective. However, we make the process as simple as possible. More importantly, our approach is that we educate you on your options and you decide what you feel is appropriate. 

17. Tax Professional Relationship Building

Many of our competitors do not like working with your tax advisor. We are the opposite. We work with, not against your tax professional. CPAs love what we do because we create a structure that implements your CPA’s tax strategy. Our greatest source of referrals are from CPAs across the country. We become part of your team of professionals. We desire to work with your tax professional and financial advisors to help you make an educated decision that reaches all of your goals. 

18. Reduced Risk of Audit

CPAs love what we do for their clients because in addition to protecting your assets from lawsuits, we reduce your risk of an I.R.S. audit. We also create a structure that will eliminate or minimize your estate tax when you have such exposure. The Federal Estate tax is 40%, but our planning avoids this unnecessary tax to the greatest extent possible.

19. Client Willingness

We will work with almost any client. Whether you are just starting or your net worth exceeds $100 million dollars, we can help you. It is said, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. We will work with clients of all sizes because we believe it is never too late and it is never too early to create a plan. We will work within almost any budget by breaking down our recommended plan into affordable steps. This approach allows our clients to start small if needed.

20. Tangible Planning

You will receive a tangible plan after your initial consultation. Further, you will receive a copy of the information we share with you during our consultation. This enables you to review it as often as you would like. Our goal is to make sure you understand your plan and how your assets are protected against lawsuits. It is also part of our no pressure approach. 

21. Annual Consultations

We will meet with you at least annually, but we are available for emails, phone calls and meetings throughout the year. The purpose of the annual meeting is to keep your plan updated with any changes in the law or your circumstances.

Choosing Skabelund PLLC: The Best Asset Protection Law Firm

Among many other law firms, Skabelund PLLC has proven its ability to create individualized strategies that protect the financial future’s of others. If you’re looking to access the support and expertise of the best asset protection law firm in the United States, view our resources or contact us today!

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Ready to start your consultation?

Skabelund isn’t just there to draft the estate plan. As important as that is, we know that life changes, goals evolve, and the estate and business plan must adjust appropriately.

We meet with our clients on an annual basis and offer a subscription program for those who would benefit from even more frequent counsel. We’re there for clients in the event litigation arises. We’re with you for the long haul.

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